Wednesday I had a awesome photo shoot with Linda Wood-Hoyte. Linda gives a new name to looking good for your age. This Past January Linda turned 65 years old. (Can You Believe it!)
Linda is a National and International Bodybuilding champion with 25 years of body building experience. Her bodybuilding career has run concurrently with 40-year professional management career in corporate America which spanned working for five Fortune 500 companies. She is also a certified personal trainer with demonstrated success delivering nutritional seminars and exhibiting training techniques at sports conventions and shows. Currently Linda is serving as a National (NPC) and International (IFBB) judge. In addition, Linda have been a US delegate and judge to the World Universe Championships and have been acknowledged for her longevity and dedication to the sport of bodybuilding. At age 65, she is still respected in the gym for her strength and training skills. Linda was granted Pro Status as an IFBB bodybuilder May 2004.
Linda’s web site :

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